Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Ten things I'm looking forward to in October

1. Montgomery Girls Night Out while all the husbands are at Priesthood Session: good food+good company+good stories+good laughs=great times

2. General Conference: for all the obvious reasons, but also because I don't have to worry if all my teachers will be in primary this Sunday!

3. Park City with the Jamison Clan: What a perfect time to go-I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the mountains in the fall!!

Answering the final question on the PCAT: I don't think this one needs any further explanation.

5. Pre-Halloween festivities with the Colemans: Thank goodness for Halloween and New Year's Eve, or we probably wouldn't see them at all. Note to self: call the Colemans more often.

6. Apple Cider and Glazed Donuts: Why is this an October staple?

7. The Primary Sacrament Program: Our kids have been working so hard! As scattered as it seems at every practice, it is ALWAYS perfect come Sunday morning.

8. Into the Woods: I'm sure no performance of the tree will ever hold a candle to mine, but I'll go in with an open mind.

9. Completing my Visiting Teaching: I had to write that so I'd be motivated to go. I feel guilty for not doing it at all in September, or July, or June, or May...well, you get the idea.

10. All things autumn: Fall is my favorite time of the year, followed closely by spring, when my tulips are creeping up from the ground. I love crisp mornings, I love warm sunny days, I love cool evenings, I love that our faves are starting back up on TV, I love making hearty meals like soup and chili, I love having a nightcap of hot chocolate with Evan, I love the holidays getting closer, I love almost every aspect of fall-why must Daylight Savings end? At least that has been pushed back to November.

P.S. I can't believe I almost forgot Halloween! Who doesn't love a good dress-up day?

Sunday, September 14, 2008

What's up with our blog name?

For those of you that don't know our story, please allow me to tell it to you. Evan has been an avid bowler since he was in high school, and is quite good. I, on the other hand, am terrible, terrible, terrible. We went bowling on our first date and he got nine strikes in a row and I got eight gutterballs in a row. Something about me must have been impressive, though, because he asked me out again, and again, and again. Bowling was a great activity for us. We went with his friends, with my friends, with my nieces and nephews, or just by ourselves. (I've never improved, by the way.) So, it was quite fitting that on one of these such evenings as we were bowling, the words, "Robin, will you marry me?" flashed across our scoreboard. I am not one to draw attention to myself, so I'll admit that my first thought was to look down the whole alley to see if those words were flashing on every screen. Luckily, Evan knows me quite well, and he had the manager program it on just our screen. Our happy moment was shared with a father and son who were at the lane next to us, but I was ok with just that much attention.

Now, many of you may think that you don't know what a pink puff heart is, but I'm guessing you do. It's this:

Look familiar? It's a chocolate-covered-strawberry-flavored-marshmallow-cream heart. See now why I like to call them pink puff hearts? It's just easier. Russell Stover makes a variety of marshmallow products for every holiday, but I only like the strawberry-flavored, which means I only treat myself at Valentine's Day. For whatever reason, the Valentine's Day season that we were engaged I couldn't find a pink puff heart anywhere. I checked Albertson's, I checked Macey's, I checked Smith's, I checked Wal-Mart...there were NONE to be found! So Evan ordered a case of 36 direct from russellstover.com and being the darling that he is, he attached a note to each one with a different reason why he loved me, and "heart attacked" my car on Valentine's Day morning.

So to sum things up, any time bowling comes up in conversation I will always think of dating and becoming engaged to Evan, and every year when Valentine's Day rolls around, I will always think of being "heart attacked". It's a sure-fire recipe for love.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

"Willkommen, bienvenue, and welcome"

$1500 to the first person to guess where the title of this post came from. Yes, Katie? "The Office Casino Night" you say? You are correct! By the way, you know I meant 1500 doll-hairs, right? Don't worry, I'm good for it.

So, we've done it. We have officially entered into the world of blogging. I've been a blog reading fanatic for so long now, like 2 whole months. It's kind of been a weird experience. I am now caught up on all my friends' lives and I haven't really talked to most of them in years. It feels a little voyeurish. So, to even the scales, I'm now "opening my windows" for all y'all (that's for you, Michelle) to take a peek at my life.

I hope you enjoy the next few months as we personalize our site, making it our own. We chose the first boring layout we came across. For those of you that know Evan, you know that nothing in his life is ever boring, or ever mainstream (which equates to boring for him). That's just one of the many reasons I love him.