Monday, May 16, 2011

Tiffany's Little Known Pride and Joy...Ogden!

How in the world did I make it through the 80's without seeing this little beauty? Oh yeah, because we didn't have cable when I was growing up. And then even when my parents succumbed to cable, they had MTV blocked for the first few years. Anywho, for your viewing pleasure, I present Tiffany's music video of "I Think We're Alone Now", mostly filmed around Ogden! A few spots you might recognize include the once-great and now extinct Ogden City Mall, Union Station, the Ogden Airport, and 25th Street.

Here's just some of my favorite must-see moments:

~0:00 Of course I TOTALLY love that the video opens on the sign from the Ogden City Mall, but the magic really happens when the camera pans down to show a stagehand unloading sound equipment. No, make that a smoking hot stagehand with awesome hair/beard, sporting some manly Daisy Dukes.

~1:10-a couple of hotties doing some serious crowd control. I mean, I don't even want to think about what could have happened if they hadn't been there to hold back the crowd.

~2:31-WOW!!! Who knew that old men with sweaty, flapping comb-overs could still move like that??? Impressive!

~3:19-This clearly wasn't her first time working it on the wing of an airplane. That kind of natural sexiness just can't be taught.

~4:04-I imagine the direction went a little like this... Director: "Ok, when I say go, start pointing to each letter in the sign. Try to stay on beat with the music, like a heartbeat. Wait a minute...isn't there a line in the song that says something about heartbeats? It'll be perfect!"


Jessica said...

Words cannot express the awesomeness of that video. I also enjoyed the random shots side view mirror or the car... Where she was slightly pictured.

Vicki said...

Oh Robin, you make me laugh! Thanks for making my day!

Unknown said...
