Saturday, September 13, 2008

"Willkommen, bienvenue, and welcome"

$1500 to the first person to guess where the title of this post came from. Yes, Katie? "The Office Casino Night" you say? You are correct! By the way, you know I meant 1500 doll-hairs, right? Don't worry, I'm good for it.

So, we've done it. We have officially entered into the world of blogging. I've been a blog reading fanatic for so long now, like 2 whole months. It's kind of been a weird experience. I am now caught up on all my friends' lives and I haven't really talked to most of them in years. It feels a little voyeurish. So, to even the scales, I'm now "opening my windows" for all y'all (that's for you, Michelle) to take a peek at my life.

I hope you enjoy the next few months as we personalize our site, making it our own. We chose the first boring layout we came across. For those of you that know Evan, you know that nothing in his life is ever boring, or ever mainstream (which equates to boring for him). That's just one of the many reasons I love him.


-Evan said...

Wow, you sound like you are pretty good looking!

Michelle said...

She isn't pretty good looking she is georgeous! Thanks for that personal note on your blog, that made me smile! You are the best SIL EVER!!

Katie said...

ohmygosh ohmygosh - is it really true? i was so excited to see that evan left a comment on my blog and that it was a turquoise one - meaning a LINK! sure enough - it lead me to the magical world of bowling and pink puff hearts. how joyous and triumphant it was to realize i will be able to give you little virtual visits every so often. and i never have to call you again. just kidding. what i'm trying to say is - i'm excited about your new blog. kiss noise.

Michelle said...

Okay so I was telling Dave about your blog and read him this entry, he would like to say that katie is not the winner, because that line is from Cabaret. Like Michael Scott ever has his own lines! So Dave is now expecting that money in small bills in a non-descript briefcase delivered to a specified location. (Did I tell you that I am so happy you now blog, can you post more often??? We love to read it)

Meemer said...

uh, i'm jumping up and down with joy. seriously, robin is THAT cool. welcome to the blogosphere!