Thursday, November 1, 2012

Ostrich pillow...wha???

Wow, I've been out of the blogging loop for a long time.  A long, looonnngg time.  It's almost like I've had my head in the sand, like...what's that animal called?  Oh right, an ostrich.  Wouldn't it be nice if we could somehow replicate the peace and quiet an ostrich must experience when they stick their head in a hole? What's that?  Someone's figured out a way??  Victory!!!

All I know is, if I had had this pillow at the beginning of school, I would have been much more rested, and therefore a much better student.  I think I'm going to suggest this to the school as a welcome gift for each student.  No more white coat ceremony-ostrich pillows for all!!

Yes, this is very real.  And yes, you may purchase it for me here. Christmas is just around the corner, you know.