Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Danger, Will Robinson...

No, I'm not talking about this...

or this...

I'm talking about this!!!!

The danger lies in walking into an animal shelter and thinking you can come out empty-handed. I'm not even an animal lover! We got a cat four months ago named Itty Bitty. She hated our dog Mesa (our only dog at the time). Since we had her for four months and our dog for two years, we decided the cat would have to go back. So we took her in to the shelter, and just had a look around to see if there was another cat we wanted to try out. We looked at a few, and then walked into the dog room. Evan has wanted a playmate for Mesa for a long, long time and said that when we found the right dog, we'd get it. I have never wanted another dog because Mesa has a very thick coat which helps her stay outside on cold days while we're gone, but that also means she is a TERRIBLE shedder. Any playmate would have to have a thick coat as well since they'd be outside in the cold all winter long, which means TWO TERRIBLE SHEDDERS. Evan took one look at little Ranger and said he was calling out to him (ironic, since he wasn't even barking). He said Ranger was just the right size and temperament for Mesa.

Evan and I are the worst impulse buyers!!!! Here's what we didn't consider before bringing Ranger home.

1. Ranger needs to be fixed: $75

2. Ranger needs a rabies shot: $13

3. Ranger needs his own dog house in the kennel: $50

4. Ranger needs a crate for when we take them places: $70

5. Ranger needs an electric collar for the electric fence: $150!!!! (It's still cheaper than building a fence, I guess)

6. Ranger needs to eat (including bones and treats): $30/month

7. Ranger needs to be licensed every yea
r (required by Tooele County): $???

8. Ranger needs to be current on all shots: $???

9. Ranger needs to howl...ok, he doesn't need to howl. But he does. All night long. I guess you have to trade something for being a non-barker.

10. Ranger needs to mark everything. He's a boy dog. Why did we get a boy dog?

But all these pale in comparison when we consid
er this last one...

11. Ranger needs to be loved.

That settles it...he's a sweet little dog, and I guess that means he's staying! So, meet Ranger. He's a 3 & 1/2 year old red heeler that is great with kids. Does anyone know anything about heelers? We sure don't.

By the way, in case you're counting, we still have this one, too.


thelivesofthebradyfamily said...

He is so cute! Ailee's been begging for a dog for a while now. Maybe we can come to visit you???

Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

Joey said...

Wow, good choice. Looks like a great dog.