The other day I was riding on Trax, and the train was pretty empty-empty seats as far as the eye could see. Two men got on the train, carrying on a conversation. One sat in the seat in front of me, the other chose to sit in the seat behind me, and they continued their conversation. I'm not kidding. I sat in amazement as they chitchatted over my head. Really??
I already mentioned this one on facebook, so forgive me for recycling material. :) Who sits down in a quiet study area and carries on a 30 minute phone call? I got some really great suggestions from some of you about how to handle it, like sitting right next to the lady and carrying on my own conversation, or, my favorite-spit wads. Spoken like a true mother of four boys. Thanks, Janelle!
When I started this post, I was going to complain about my professor springing a group project on us with 3 days notice, but it turns out that it took us 20 minutes to plan, and it means we have 2 days less of lecture on our test because each group will be presenting our projects. So, that turned out to be really great. I am glad we only have 2 chapters to study for Medicinal Chemistry, instead of 3. Oh, except he's going to ask some test questions from the presentations. Darn it.
I've got a couple of issues with the bathrooms at school. First, I don't know who the genius is who designed the building, but he switched the locations of the Men's and Women's rooms on every floor. On half the floors, the Men's is on the right, and on the others, it's on the left. Which just means that if you spend all your time on one floor and you're used to just walking in the door on the left, you can totally end up in the wrong place when you are on a different floor and you're not paying attention, which most students aren't. I swear the halls are filled with zombies sometimes. We're a very sleep-deprived bunch. Anyway, this almost happened to me, but luckily a girl stopped me just as my hand reached for the door to the Men's room. Then not even a minute later, a boy walked in to the Women's room. Just make every floor look the same! How hard is that?
Second, the stalls... On a given day, I have in my possession my overly-stuffed backpack, my lunch bag, my purse, and now my puffy coat. I'm too much of a germ-a-phobe to set everything down on the bathroom floor, so I bring it all in with me and hang it on the back of the door. However, the stalls are so shallow that I have to straddle the toilet so I can shut the door behind me, because my backpack is so huge, and of course, because the doors swing inward. I guess I could just back into the stall, but how ridiculous would that look? People would start making that beeping sound that trucks make (at the very least in their heads, if not actually out loud). So I ask, is it so hard to design bathroom stalls with doors that swing out? Perhaps someone can enlighten me as to why the doors swing in. I suppose in the event the lock wasn't working, it'd be a whole lot easier to hold it shut while, you know. That's the only advantage I can see.
Well, that will have to do, for now. Thanks for listening! (Or reading, I guess.)
I've always wondered that, too... about the bathroom doors. I suppose if they swung out, though, you'd be wacking people as they walked by. But here's my proposed solution. The doors can still swing in, just make the stalls longer... 50% longer should do it. Then you'll have room to walk in, turn around with a backpack on, then close the door. Seriously, would it kill them to make the "hallway" of the bathroom smaller and the stalls bigger?!
You are funny stuff. Now if only i was a face-booker so I could have twice the laughs with you!
oh i sure did get a kick out of all your misfortunes. i think the one that make me the maddest is the dumb women's and men's restrooms switching on every floor. that is just weird. and SUPER annoying. were they trying to be artsy about it or something? i don't get it. and sorry about the parking ticket. maybe you could get someone to pay half.... on their birthday. worked for me. :-)
Bobbie Sue, thanks for the laughs. What a good way to end my day.
Very enjoyable to read.
I love reading your blog. You give me a good chuckle. thanks's been three weeks. You can't let something as silly as finals get in the way of your blogging! I miss monday memories! haha. JK, good luck with finals you smarty pants.
oh Robbie!!!!
You are so funny...thanks for the laugh.
Can I have your address? We have a Christmas Card for you! Monica
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