Monday, November 9, 2009

We're becoming victims...

of our small town. Our favorite thing to do these days is eat out at Wingers (we love us some Original Amazing Sauce) and head over to Wal-Mart for some people watching. And trust me, there's some great people watching at our Wal-Mart. It's almost as good as these beauties.

...ok...we don't really head to Wal-Mart merely for the people watching. We usually have some kind of errand to run. But if we wanted to, we certainly could!


Brooke said...

That website is hilarious! I wish I weren't at work so, #1 I could laugh out loud and #2 I could spend hours looking at all the pictures I missed. It's like my new favorite website.

Oh, and I like wingers, too!

MelanieBrenchley said...

Ok, I love love love all those "People of Walmart" photos! I have found it's great to look at when you're having a rough day, because somehow it makes it seem like your life isn't actually so bad!

But sorry, I don't love Wingers. However, I'm glad you do, because otherwise it might go out of business like everything else here in Too-ly!

Katie said...

you are a funny one. we did laugh and loud. take that brooke!