Thursday, January 14, 2010

One year older and wiser, too....

Yes, it's true. Today is my birthday, and I'm totally seeking out birthday wishes. I'm going to copy something I read on another blog a while back and send out a request. I am perhaps the most guilty person when it comes to reading my friends' blogs and never commenting, meaning some of them don't even know I'm following along. So today (or whenever you read this) I am going to ask each of you to leave me a comment and just say a small hello, so I know who is out there enjoying the greatness that is me. I will enable the feature that will allow people without a profile to comment, so be sure to include your name if you use the anonymous setting. I will, however, have to turn on that pesky "word verification" so that I hopefully prevent any spammer comments. I've had those before and they're just not the kind of energy I want to experience on my birthday, you know? And if any of you are surprised that I would be so bold as to solicit birthday salutations, don't be. I'm nearly the baby in my family which means I grew up getting a lot of extra attention. Plus, isn't that what a blog is-a place to showcase me, me, me? (Please don't think I'm always this self-centered. It only happens once a year.)

Anyway, back to regular business here at the B&PPH blog. I started back on my second of eight semesters this week. I really like all my professors so far. One in particular is hilarious, mostly because she isn't even trying to be. We'll see if I'm still singing her praises after our first test, but so far I've looked forward to each of her lectures. (Ashley, it's Dr. Lim-did you have/like her?) I had a wonderful Christmas break, but I'm glad to be back in school.

So, to try to make up for the many Memory Mondays I
've missed, I'll just write down a few memories about my nieces and nephews that crossed my mind yesterday. Pretty much anytime I see one of those automated paper towel dispensers I think of my niece who used to say the paper came out "automagically" instead of automatically. My brother got a new car when this same niece was about 4, and it had radio controls on the steering wheel. Her carseat was right in the middle of the back seat so she could see the radio, but not really the steering wheel. So he used to tell her to say "Magic UP!" and the music would magically turn up, or "Magic DOWN!" and it would go back down. She really believed that the new car was magic, because she could clearly see that he was never touching the radio. I don't know how old she was when she finally caught on.

My nephews have provided us with some of the most classic memories that won't ever be forgotten. The first is this one, a letter to Santa that my sister found in her oldest son's backpack (I'm blotting out the names cuz frankly they're not my kids):

In case you can't read it, it says: "Dear Santa, I can explain for beating my brother. I just didn't want him to bother me. I had to teach him a lesson. Sincerely,_______." I think any letter to Santa that starts out "I can explain..." is sure to be a classic.

Don't worry, there's more where that came from. The younger brother was writing a letter to a cousin who's on a mission, and
drew him this picture. The first drawing is of him and his brother fighting, the second shows his brother (who is older) crying with a black eye and an ice bag on his head, and then the last is of both of them in time-out.

The message on this one says, "Me and _______ fight a lot. I always win. Love,
_______." You've got to love his confidence, don't you?

P.S. Don't forget to post a comment!


Anonymous said...

i love you dollface! and i love your blog! and i LOVED our conversation today :). Happy Birthday!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Robin. You are the GREATEST!!!!!!!!

Carolyn Y. said...

I'm so glad that I can comment on your blog. I have really enjoyed following the adventures of my talented nephew and his wonderful wife. Happy Birthday and we are so proud of you for getting into pharmacy school and working so hard. You will be one of the good ones who really listens and tries her best to help the people. We understand about pharmacy better than most. I hope we get to see you soon.

Tiffany said...

HAPPY BIRHDAY to you!!!! You are a wonder woman!! I love your guts....we need to get together sooner than later. I work down town you should swing by after school sometime. :) I hope you had a great day and know that you deserve the best of the best. My favorite thing about you is your camping Robin Style anf your humor.
Miss your jugs,

Brooke said...

Happy Birthday! I miss your hugs!! (You know what I mean!) And I absolutely LOVE that Santa letter! So hilarious!

Cathryn said...

Happy Birthday again! (I also left a message on fb.) I do follow your blog and the continuing adventures of R&E. I want you to know that I am very impressed with your 365 days without candy! I should do the same thing with ice cream, but I don't know if I could make it through 365 days. : ) You are doing great in Pharmacy School and even though it doesn't seem like it now, the years will fly past. Enjoy every last minute of your birthday!

Markie said...

Happy, happy birthday! I barely know you, but I love being related to people with cool blogs who do great things with their lives. You make me happy.

John said...

Happy Birthday!

The "Curby Clan" said...

Happy Birthday!!! I didn't know your birthday is the same as my mom's and sister Michelle. I love reading your blog. The santa letter is hilarious. Hope you have a good one.

SLC said...

Hope your birthday was fabulous! We are new to the blogging world but are thoroughly enjoying catching up with everyone. Keep it up!
Suz,Luke and Carter Jones Larson :)

MelanieBrenchley said...

You know I'm following you! Happy b-day and thank you for finally posting something new! ;) I know, a little nervy coming from someone who doesn't blog at all, I'm just a stalker. Heart you!

Michelle said...

Yeah, I pretty much blog stalk you, but I figure that you know it, so it's okay. (that is what I tell myself anyway!) Love your face! Sooo glad we're related!


Ashley said...

Happy Birthday! And I did really like Dr Lim. I think you will too. She was my adviser and really is nice. Her and her husband (Dr. Cheatham)had a group of us over for dinner a couple times. Her class on the other hand? I could have done without.

Michelle Montgomery said...

haha...we do have great nieces and nephews, they are quite the bunch. Love them :) And I hope you had a happy birthday Robbie! I was sad I missed your b-day would have been much more fun than working for free.
As you know...I love your blog. So continue to post your fabulous memories!

Trisha said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY ROBSTER! Happy birthday kiddo. Hope things are well for you guys!

Katie said...

Oh, am I in SO much trouble? I just barely read this so I am only now posting a comment. But did you get my text on your birthday? It was rockin' and I'm sure, just SURE that it totally made your birthday! I loved this post. You are awesome and I bet you are a super cool 32 year old. We should hang out some day and you can show me the ropes. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ROBS!!! Love Kate

Janelle said...

So Hapy birthday a while ago. Your post didn't show up in my blog roll until today. I don't know why. But I'm here ad I love your blog!

Jessica said...

Humm - just because you asked - I will let you know that I pretty much blog stalk you and I don't feel bad about it! You just make me laugh!

thelivesofthebradyfamily said...

Happy Birthday...I'm so late! I've been a horrible blogger/commenter lately. Sorry!
I hope you had a great birthday! I was talking to Devin last night and he reminded me of the time I told you that you were “homely” in the Old Navy's dressing room. Remember that? I really thought I was saying it as a compliment! You were so nice, though. After laughing a bit and saying, "thank you, monica", you very kindly asked me if I knew what that meant. You are the best kind of friend to have. It's like...I just can't offend you! Love you, and happy birthday!