Monday, March 1, 2010

What a difference a year makes...

Two years ago at this time I was wallowing in self-pity because I had not been accepted to pharmacy school. Last year at this time I was anxiously awaiting word as to whether or not I'd been accepted, and today I was on the other side of the table, literally! I was asked to help interview the incoming candidates for the Class of 2014, and it was quite an experience. Having been in their position only a year ago, I was amazed at how quickly this time has flown by. I am halfway through this semester, and once it's over I'll have completed my first year of pharmacy school!

The interview board was made up of an Admissions Committee member, a faculty member, and a student. We interviewed 5 candidates and I felt I could identify with all of them. One had returned to school after a long break, one has a connection with the town in which I live, one was applying for the second year in a row and was sooo nervous, but you could tell they'd really practiced and prepared for the interview, one was not very good at talking themselves up at all (I share this quality, but I've learned that in an interview of any kind you have to totally toot your own horn), and one tripped on the way in the room. Ok, no they didn't, but I sure did last year! Not only that, but I got choked up talking about my grandpa who was a pharmacist, so I was sure I'd made a real doosie of an impression. I mean, who wants a clumsy crier as a pharmacist? So, I kept thinking about myself, how I felt last year trying to present my best self to these people in 15 minutes, and how stressful it was. I'm sure it caused me to be a bit more generous with the scores I gave out today. They say the student interviewers are
always the most kind in scoring, but I think it's because we're so close to the situation. Anyway, I wish the best of luck to the upcoming students. I can't wait to see which of my interviewees will be accepted!


Michelle Montgomery said...

look at you! all grown up and interviewing people! haha

no doubt they picked you to help because you are the best. how awesome.

Katie said...

yeah, that is pretty impressive that you are the student interviewer. that was a great post - i didn't know anything about your interview. i think that would be nerve racking. so does only one of them get in?

MelanieBrenchley said...

Oh Bobbie, I didn't know about the tripping part. Did you tell me that? That is a crack up.

Meemer said...

that is cool robin. how far you've come, my dear. and just think what the next year holds for you!