Saturday, October 9, 2010

Here's a smile for you...

I love the Old Spice commercials as of late. You know the ones. Well today a friend directed me to this video, and I must pass it on. With no kids 'round these parts I don't usually watch children's television, but this is worth it.


Chelita said...

haha! That is actually quite funny. Have you seen the BYU one? Cracks me up too! Thanks for sharing

MelanieBrenchley said...

Ok, do you know why this is even funnier? Because, well, you know me and TV.... I hadn't ever seen the old spice commercials, and then I saw when you posted the Grover link on FB, and then I just totally didn't get why that was a funny Sesame Street clip. But see..... now I get it. Good stuff.